I’m sure you’ve seen it on social media… Gen Z has proclaimed that the middle part is in and the side part is out. What is their reasoning? Gen Z tends to be more open to accepting flaws and they don’t feel the need to hide part of their face behind their hair. Now, the first time I saw this online I will admit, I was a bit offended. I have been doing a side part for… ever? Now, I do have a daughter that is Gen Z and she is a master at the middle part. Heck, she is in competitive dance and I even help her with her middle part, low bun look and DANG it looks good on these girls when they’re on stage! I am one that does not embrace change well… heck, the Gen Z even proclaimed skinny jeans aren’t hip anymore, so how dare they take away our side parts? But, I’ve been experimenting with the middle part more and more and I am actually starting to maybe love it. Today I wanted to share a little about the differences between the Middle and Side Parts and how each one can change up the look of your face.
The Middle Part
I started to play around with the middle part last winter, so I don’t have a ton of blog photos (or selfies) with this new hair trend. What I’ve been doing lately is I’ll do a middle part every other time I do my hair. So, I still do a side part sometimes! I haven’t been able to fully give it up just yet. It is fun to change up my hair throughout the week and it really does change my overall look for the day. What I find the hardest is to center my part directly in-between my eyebrows. Seriously, sometimes I get it parted quickly and other mornings I’m a little off. I’m not sure if my hair will eventually ‘train’ itself better, but for now this is my biggest challenge with the middle part.
So, how does the middle part enhance your face?
- It will make you feel confident, because your facial features are front and center.
- It’s considered a bold hairstyle, because your face isn’t hidden behind your hair.
- It’ll complement the symmetry of your face shape as well as elongate your face.
- It can also help conceal certain hair concerns, such as thinning hair and hair loss.
- Middle Part Complients your facial features if your face is this shape: oval, round, diamond, or heart-shaped face.
Does a part STRAIGHT down the middle of your head seem too harsh? Try a slightly off-center part, it’ll help create some softness in the hair and help break up the face a little more
The Side Part
So, how does the side part enhance your face?
- The side part will soften the look of your face.
- It can help you to disguise cowlicks, thin patches of hair or a pimple.
- It’s known to increase the perceived volume of one’s hair by piling it all to one side.
- Side Part Compliments your facial features if your face is this shape: square, diamond or heart-shaped face. It’ll help to soften your jawline and cheekbones and create balance.
When I looked through photos of myself with a side part, I do think it really does soften my face. When I look at the photos of myself with the middle part, I think that it brings out my eyes more.
Final Thoughts
Have you tried out the middle part? How did you feel about it? Or, do you plan to stick to a middle part forever? I would say that I am liking both right now! It’s a fact: I will ALWAYS keep some skinny jeans in my closet and I will still come back to the side part from time to time. I think what offended me the most about the whole ‘middle part’ and ‘skinny jeans’ are no longer cool is just that it is hard to embrace change sometimes AND it is a reality check that there are more and more generations forming under me that are… MUCH younger than I am! I am not the young, cool chick anymore (ok, maybe I was never cool, but I was young at one time!). However, I have two teens and I would NOT go back to that hormonal/moody age in a heart beat. Ha! So, my take away from this is to do the hairstyle that works for YOU and don’t be pressured by what the young kids are doing! Do what makes YOU feel good or what compliments your face the most. However, I’d also like you to be willing to give something new a try. Sometimes you need to try it more than just once… you may be pleasantly surprised that you like it! Have a good day everyone!