Welcome to Thursday Fashion Files!
I will be taking occasional Co-Hosts for Thursday Fashion Files, if you are interested you can email me at carrie (at) curlycraftymom (dot) com to set up a date.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been itching to go back and see what I wore LAST Spring. Especially since we got 4+ inches of snow in St. Louis last weekend. Looking back helps reminds me of what’s in my closet, what still works together and it gives me some new ideas. So, today I’m sharing a Spring Flashback post with you! And, next week I’m so excited, because I’ll be sharing an Early Spring Stitch Fix Box reveal with you! They waved my styling fee, so I had to order a box.
Be sure to let me know if any of these outfits stood out to you and enjoy this (hopefully!) laid back week!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! I can’t wait to see everyones outfits for this week!

My Pick from Last Week’s Party:
My pick from last week’s party shoes how to style white boots several different ways on Jodie’s Touch of Style.