Have you finished your back to school shopping yet? Right now, you can shop at Walmart and earn FIVE Box Tops for your school on select General Mills products.
You can easily see which products are available and even print out a check list for these products HERE.
I’ve talked about Box Tops on my blog before, because I truly believe they can help your school! So, today I am sharing WHY Box Tops are worth all the trouble and HOW you can start collecting them TODAY!!
My kids go to a small private Lutheran school… my son will have 11 kids in his fifth grade class, my daughter will have 14 in her second grade class. This is the school that my brother and I went to and it is also our church. We LOVE, love, love this school… the small class sizes, the excellent teachers and the focus on learning and faith-building makes it a perfect fit for my kids and our family. However, because the school is small and private… there isn’t a lot of extra money to go around. Yes, the school has smart boards, updated their preschool playground recently and even has Chrome books for the students… but, sometimes the teachers need a little more for their classrooms.
Each Box Tops Clip is worth 10 cents for your school. Each eligible school may earn up to $20,000 cash per year. That is HUGE.
Here are a couple of products I found at my local Walmart with 5 Box Tops! You’ll see that the 5 Box Tops is clearly marked on the front of the boxes.
I’d love to hear how you’ve help your school out with Box Tops in the comments.