We’ve all seen the posts going around blogland and social media about being honest and keeping things real. bloggers often get accused of posting only the parts of our lives we want to show off. We know we all have those less than bloggable moments in life. As readers, we all love reading those posts, but as writers we sometimes avoid spilling the dirt. In the spirit of keeping things real, we bring you 5 little confessions. Did you go 5 days without washing your hair? Did your clean laundry sit on your floor until it was time to wash again? Did you spend all weekend keeping up with the kardashians? Did you eat cake for breakfast? Dig up a few of your secrets and link up below.
This month my five little confessions are blogging related…
1. We would love for you to follow us!
2. Link up 5 Little Confessions
That’s it!
Your Hosts
Carrie from Curly Crafty Mom
Follow Carrie: Bloglovin’ • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram
Aubrey from Dreaming About Someday
Follow Aubrey: Bloglovin’ • Twitter • Instagram
Jacq from Justjacq
Follow Jacq: Bloglovin’ • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram
Kimberly from Olive the Things
Follow Kimberly: Bloglovin’ • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram
5 Little Confessions from Carrie:
1. I have SO many things I want to work on with my blog. SO many that I have a list and I haven’t checked one item off of it in months. I really want to set aside a few hours every week to try to check off one item at a time. I know that by slowly checking some of these items off would help my blog grow in so many ways, so I really want to make time for that. Why are blogs so much work?!
2. I have a really hard time keeping up with blog comments that I need to reply back to. I’m not complaining, because I love the comments I get… and, I find that by replying to them, that I get to know my readers and other bloggers a lot better! So, it is worth it! I love comments and I just feel guilty when I don’t respond back right away… because, I want my readers to know I appreciate the time they took to comment!
If I get 10-15 comments from a post a few days in a row, it is really hard for me to get them all answered in 1-2 days (which I prefer). Some weeks are so busy that I get a week behind on replying to my blog posts, which I really hate. It seems to work out best for me if I reply to them all in the evening. An empty inbox before bed makes this blogger happy.
3. I have never been to a bloggy conference, but I would like to change that. Although, here is my confession… going to a blog conference really intimates me! I am afraid I won’t know anyone, or recognize anyone IRL… it would be an experience! I think it would be fun to attend one if I knew some other bloggers (really, really well) that were attending it. I also love how some bloggers (such as Meg from The Craft House) host mini-craft/DIY weekend sessions in their homes. I would LOVE to do a weekend in The Craft House someday with some blog friends. My blog friend Aubrey just hosted a mini-blog sleepover Slumber Soiree conference and it looked like so much fun! Aubrey and I met when she was visiting family here last Spring. She lives in Utah, so I was unable to attend her Slumber Soiree, but I enjoyed seeing all of the photos of it!
4. Speaking about being intimidated… I would really like to move my blog from Blogger to WordPress in 2015. There, I said it.
5. Even though I have signed up for several blogging opportunities on The Clever Girls and I have never heard back from any of the companies (insert sad face), I saw that they were doing a holiday gift exchange with other bloggers. I really love gift exchanges and thought it would be fun to sign up for it. They are going to pair me with another blogger that loves everything DIY/craft/home decor and we fill out a form with some of our likes and interests. Then, we mail each other our gifts by December 12th. So, I guess my fifth confession is that I love swapping gifts in the mail… I do this at least once or twice every year, it doesn’t have to be Christmas! The last big gift exchange I did was the Cara Box by Wifessionals. I still keep in touch with Melissa, who sent me my Cara Box and she is even coming to St. Louis this winter and is trying to talk me into running the Hot Chocolate 5k with her. Unfortunately my son has something going on at church at the same time and I won’t be able to run with her… SO, we might meet up afterwards for lunch.
Do you have any confessions? Leave them in the comments below! Also, we’d love for you to link up and confess with us!
Linked up with:
Mommy Blog Hop
Please link up, I would love to hear your confessions!